Healthy air. The humidifier distributes steam in the living room. Woman keeps hand over vapor


  • Preparing humidifiers for the winter season

    Preparing humidifiers for the winter season

    A dry indoor environment will cause headaches, sore throats, sore eyes, skin irritation, and contact lens discomfort, the ideal level of indoor humidity is between 40-60% relative humidity (%RH), a figure endorsed by HEVAC, CIBSE, BSRIA, and BRE. The Health and Safety Ex...
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  • Air purifier to filter wildfire smoke

    Air purifier to filter wildfire smoke

    Wildfire smoke can enter your home through windows, doors, vents, air intake, and other openings. This can make your indoor air unhealthy. The fine particles in smoke can be a risk to health. Using an air purifier to filter wildfire smoke Those who are most vulnerable to...
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  • New Evaporative Humidifier BZT-204B

    New Evaporative Humidifier BZT-204B

    The combination of air purifier and humidifier adopts the working principle of evaporative humidification, a new evaporative humidifier. There are several reasons why someone might choose an evaporative humidifier: No powder or mist: Evaporative humidifiers do not produc...
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  • BIZOE BZT-203 home evaporative Humidifier.

    BIZOE BZT-203 home evaporative Humidifier.

    BIZOE BZT-203 home evaporative Humidifier. Recent news on humidifiers has been buzzing; if you're looking for a way to add some moisture to the air, then look no further than the new evaporative BZT-203 Humidifier. The BZT-203 is an ideal solution for drier cl...
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